Tropical Pressure takes place at Mount Pleasant Eco Park; a beautiful, safe and grassy farm overlooking the sea at Porthtowan, on the North Cornish coast. The perfect spot to unwind for the weekend, you can even take a free hourly shuttle bus to the beach - if you can tear yourself away from the live music, great food and happy vibes that surround you on site…
All weekend tickets include a spot for your tent in our grassy camping field, or you can chose to pay a bit extra and bring a campervan, or stay in our family camping field. The walk from the weekend carpark to the camping field takes around 5mins. If driving to site you will need to purchase the appropriate vehicle pass.
Location: Mount Pleasant Eco Park, Chapel Hill, Porthtowan, Cornwall, TR4 8HL
From Thursday 10th July, our one way system will start and everyone must ENTER VIA MAWLA LANE END and there will be NO ACCESS VIA CHAPEL HILL.
Local Road Closures:
Please note that there is no access via Wheal Rose as the road is closed due to mining works.
Please note that the road towards St Agnes/Porthtowan at Chiverton roundabout is closed (B3277 link road from Chiverton Junction).
From North Bound & South Bound; come off the A30 at Avers roundabout take the route towards Porthtowan. Once on Chapel Hill go past the usual turning to the Eco Park and carry on down the hill. Take the right at the bottom of the hill to go through the valley towards Manor Parsley. Follow this road and take the right towards Mawla Lane End.
This year we have a new parking area, so the arrival is a little different from previous years. Please follow the clear road signage to make your way to the correct place to park. There are 3 separate vehicle entrance gates, please follow the signs to the correct gate.
We promote usage of our more environmentally friendly routes of travel, but if you must bring a car on site you will need to purchase a parking ticket. If an accessible parking space is required, please get in touch via email to apply for a space as soon as possible.
Weekend Parking is on the PINK ROUTE, please follow signage for the pink route to park in Weekend parking.
To park in weekend parking you must have a WEEKEND PARKING PASS. We recommend you purchase in advance to avoid long queues.
Please have your parking ticket ready to scan on the gate.
Weekend Parking is further away this year, there is a short walk from this field to the festival, we do recommend using our FREE Shuttle bus service from Redruth train station to be dropped off at the Box office.
The LIVE IN VEHICLE Field is on the ORANGE ROUTE, please follow signage for the orange route to pitch up in the Live In Vehicle Field. Once off the road please follow the correct signage to the Live In Field.
Please have your Live In Vehicle ticket ready to scan at the gate.
To pitch in the Live In Vehicle Field you MUST have purchased a Live In ticket, these will likely sell out. So none will be available to purchase on the gate.
DAY PARKING is on the BLUE ROUTE, please follow signage for the blue route to park in Day Parking. Once off the road please follow the correct signage to Day Parking.
To park in day parking you must have a DAY PARKING PASS. We recommend you purchase in advance to avoid long queues.
FAMILY CAMPING is on the BLUE ROUTE, please follow signage for the blue route to pitch up in Family Camping.
Once off the road please follow the correct signage to Family Camping and have your family camping ticket ready to scan at the gate.
To pitch in Family Camping you MUST have purchased a family camping ticket, these will likely sell out, so none will be available to purchase on the gate.
ACCESSIBLE PARKING is on the BLUE ROUTE, please follow signage for the blue route to park in Accessible Parking. Once off the road please follow the signage to Day Parking to be parked and receive your pass.
To park in day Accessible Parking you must have purchased a WEEKEND PARKING PASS if parking for the weekend or a DAY PARKING PASS if joining us for a day.
Then you can request an ACCESSIBLE PARKING PASS with the festival team (via the website contact form) to then be issued an accessible pass.
If you need to come by car check out our Facebook group, Tropical Connections, and see if you can grab a lift with some like-minded souls. Please note that you will need to purchase a parking ticket in addition to your festival ticket if you plan to bring a vehicle on site (unless you have a Live In Vehicle ticket).
We are just 3 miles from Redruth Train Station and offer a quick, comfortable and FREE bus shuttle service from there to the site. Please note that timings are flexible and not exact as they will respond to the demand and traffic on the day. We are aiming to provide 2 buses an hour for most of Friday, and in the morning for Sat and Sun. The max wait for a bus should be 40 - 50 mins. The bus route also includes a stop down in Porthtowan to easily access the beach.
There is a dedicated space to lock up bicycles. You can park your bike near the box office and head to the info point to claim a free drink on us!
The festival site and ticket office are open from 10am to 10pm each day. Please note that if you leave the site, there is NO RE-ENTRY outside of these times, although you are of course welcome to leave. Please drive safely and slowly, taking extra caution due to pedestrians on the road. Please always follow the one-way system back to your destination.
On Monday 14th July the one way system will turn around so everyone must EXIT via Mawla Lane End, there will be no exit via Chapel Hill
All public must leave by Midday on Monday 14th July.
If you have come to the festival with anyone under the age of 18, your number will have been written on their wristband at entry. If you lose a child at any point during the event, please head to the INFO POINT (see above). Please take the time to show this point to your children and explain that is where they should also head if they get lost.
Please note one adult (over 25) can bring up to 3 children/young adults on their ticket.
To lower the impact of Tropical Pressure, we are focusing again on reducing waste, with even more recycling and composting this year. All traders will only be using cardboard & paper food containers and wooden cutlery so please ensure this is put in composting bins around the site along with all food waste. This can all be broken down in our hot composter. It is essential waste is split into the correct bin as if not it contaminates bags and this sadly then cannot be recycled or composted correctly. When leaving the site please leave nothing by footprints; we will have stewards with bin bags on hand for you to clear your campground.
Due to the water restrictions, the showers are £5 per person, and there are blocks in the main campsite open 2pm to 8pm on Friday and then 8am to 8pm on Saturday and Sunday. The showers in the Live-in vehicle field open 12pm to 6pm on Friday and then 7am to 1pm Saturday and Sunday.
Mount Pleasant Eco Park is in a stunning rural environment, and we like it peaceful. Please respect our local neighbours by observing a 12pm curfew in the main campsite. In Family Camping area the curfew is 11pm please. If you want to party, there are plenty of places to do so away from sleepy heads.
If you need any kind of medical attention, or feel unwell at any point during the festival, please alert the nearest Event Steward who can guide you to help OR head to the medical team next to the Totem Poles at the main campsite entrance.
In the very unlikely event that we need to evacuate the festival site, the festival organisers will announce this via PA systems in each area and the stewards and security guards will direct you to the nearest and safest muster point. Please follow their instructions calmly and sensibly! If you see anything that you think needs urgent attention during the festival, please alert a member of the stewarding or security team as soon as you can. In the case of adverse weather, please note that changes to schedules may occur and our spaces may be used in different ways that originally planned.
Each year we look out for fancy dress winners to be showered with fabulous TP goodies! We don’t just look for fantastic outfits... bonus points are awarded for your inventiveness and how environmentally friendly your costume is. This year’s theme is TBA - but we can’t wait to see your creative interpretations and will be scouting for winners at 4pm on Saturday in the main arena.